Swing wrist contact of the 3 type of spins


Aaron Lin
Aaron Lin Asked 8 years ago

I'm relatively new to Pingpong and trying to learn the standard forehand service of pendulum serve for all 3 spin types.

for the 3 spin types, what is the way I should swing , how much wrist is involved (I'm pretty sure backspin serve has a relaxed wrist and side spin has most wrist movement for example), and in what way/where does the ball make contact with the bat?

sorry if I was unclear in my question , and thank you!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Aaron,

The wrist needs to be relaxed for all of your serves to enable you to generate more spin.

As far as the swing you need to think about what type of spin you are aiming for.  It is then a matter of angling your bat appropriately and swinging through.  For backspin you are brushing under the ball, for sidespin across the back or down the side of the ball and for topspin, coming up on the contact of the ball.

We cover this in our Serving Secrets section where we go through each spin type and show you in detail the way to swing the racket.

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Contact Point For Maximum Spin

Learn why hitting the ball at the end of your racquet will allow you to generate more spin on your backspin serve.

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