Table tennis party games


Jimmy Sanchez
Jimmy Sanchez Asked 11 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff.

My son Jacob is moving to another province here in Venezuela, he was accepted to enrol in a sports talent school as a table tennis player.

He will live 8 hours away from here, so I am planning to do a farewell party with all our table tennis partners.

I would like to do some funny games or contests between partygoers, i´be been thinking about tricky serves as Jeff does in your video, consistency competitions, serves aiming contest, but no more ideas.

So, I would like to hear from You some ideas if you have, It would be great.

Thanks a lot.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Jimmy,

These are all good ideas.  You can also put cups on the table with lollies under them.  If they hit the cup they get the lolly.

You can also do round the table where they circle the table taking one hit each.  If they make 3 mistakes they are out.  The last one in is the winner.

You could do running or walking relays with the bat and ball or just the bat.

Others may have more ideas for you.

Sounds like he will have a fun party.

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Thoughts on this question

Jerome Babiera

Jerome Babiera Posted 11 years ago

Jimmy Sanchez

Jimmy Sanchez Posted 11 years ago

Thanks Alois, your ideas sound great, Jacob liked them too. 

I would like to hear more ideas from pingskillers till next Saturday.

Thanks a lot.



Earl Joseph

Earl Joseph Posted 11 years ago

You can Keep a cup on the other side of the table. Whoever serves and puts the ball inside it, they are the winner. you can give gifts

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

Great to hear Jimmy.

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