Table tennis rubber glue


pushkar deo
pushkar deo Asked 14 years ago


I have a query regarding the table tennis rubber glue. I want to buy MARK V rubbers and the dealer is giving me a discount offer that he will fix the rubbers to the blade for free if i buy the rubbers from him. But I noticed that the glue he is using is in a Red coloured container with 'Alvis Texo Bond' written on it. This, I think, is used to repair automobile tyre flats. Is it okay to use this glue OR I should avoid fixing the rubber using this glue?

By the way, here, in my city in india, it is difficult to get the standard table tennis glue (such as Butterfly free chack) and if i want to order it from say USA, the shipping charges are terrible

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Pushkar,

The glue is what they used to use as the first speed glues. They are illegal but the effects wear off after a few days so they would be legal after that. It is a good cheap option especially of you don't have access to normal Table Tennis glues.

Be careful not to be in close contact with the glue because they can be harmful. 

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