Hi, Jeff and Alois
Recently I have discussed with Jeff about choosing a table tennis rubber. And something occurred to me about my blade. I have, as I mentioned Tibhar Samsonov Alpha, designed with cooperation of Vladimir Samsonov himself. I have seen you demonstrated in your videos serves of Ma Lin, Hu Shi Wen, Par Geller, etc. Can you show me the specifics of Vladimir Samsonov's serve, I find it very effective and would like it to try.
Best regards
Hi Pedja,
He is one of my favourite players to watch serve. We have an Ask the Coach response for Premium members already.
Here is an effective serve that you can learn and put into your game. It is a serve that not many players are using so as a variation and something new, this one can be a winner for you.
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The question Alois is talking about is How to do the Vladimir Samsonov serve?
Thanks Jeff. I forgot to add the link.
Pedja Maric Posted 12 years ago
Well, Alois, we both agree he has a great serve, it is very unusual, and complex for me to perform. I am not still a premium member, if I become, I will certainly watch the video.