Table Tennis terms


Rajesh Sawant
Rajesh Sawant Asked 13 years ago

Hi Jeff,

I am bit confused about terms we often used in Table Tennis world. Before I make some wrong assumptions I want to make it clear.

1>What is meaning of looping backspin? What is difference between looping and rally?

2>What is, ball drop in deep in table? Is it mean center of table at opponents court?

3>Is backspin and chop is same shot?

4>What is base line?


Rajesh Suhas Sawant

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Rajesh,

A loop is a lifting topspin, usually referred to a topspin against a backspin ball.  A rally is just a series of strokes.


Deep on the table means close to your opponents end line.

Backspin is a type of spin.  Chop is a stroke that uses backspin.  The terms are often used interchangeably though.

The base line is the end line of the table.

Hope this helps with your understanding. 


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Thoughts on this question

Rajesh Sawant

Rajesh Sawant Posted 13 years ago

Hi Alois,

Its always feel great after reading your answers Thanks for answers.

I am still not clear on term deep on table :( , Can you elloborate it.

Opponents end line, means white line/ edge of other side of table?

And also please let me know benifits of droping ball deep on table




Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 13 years ago
Yes the end line is the line closest to your opponent.  By putting the ball deep you push them further away from the table which means it will give you more time.

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