The Eastern Suburbs and Churches Table Tennis Association in Victoria is asking that you complete an online petition to further support our campaign for a Table Tennis Venue within Whitehorse. Of the 45 associations registered with Table Tennis Victoria we are one of only four who do not have a permanent base.
Could you please sign the online petition by the Nunawading Vikings Basketball Club asking the Whitehorse Council to purchase the former Nunawading Primary School site to construct a Sports facility.
Table Tennis is mentioned in the paragraph third from the bottom of the letter.
Dee Ryall, the local State member has promised that State and Federal Funding will be made towards the cost of constructing a sports venue on the site.
You should also mention Table Tennis in the reasons "Why is this important to you?" before you click on sign the petition. You will also need to select (Outside U.S?) and select Australia as the location.
You don't need to live in Whitehorse to sign the petition.
But you do need to live in AUSTRALIA.
Click on the link below to complete the petition. It will only take a minute or two to complete. Please ask as many of your friends and relatives to also complete the petition (and mention table tennis as well).
Click here to Sign the Petition
Neville Young
Liason Officer Eastern Suburbs and Churches Table Tennis Association
Hi Neville,
Good luck with this important initiative for the club and Table Tennis in general.
The thickness of a table tennis table is the most important aspect of a table to ensure you get a true consistent bounce. Other things to consider are the net, portability, and storage space.
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Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago
I have signed it now. Just click on the link above and it is easy from there.
Neville Young Posted 10 years ago
I have just been informed that the State Government has lowered the sale price for the land, to a value commensurate with the land being used for community purposes rather than the inflated price that was set for the purpose of land being used for housing.
Thank you to all the people (around 120) who have signed the petition, however, if you live in Australia we could do with another 600 people signing.
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago
Good news Neville.
Neville Young Posted 9 years ago
Some success the council has purchased the site for $6M. Now we need more support as the council has said they will be putting in some sports facilities (but haven't committed themselves to including Table Tennis). I am looking at putting up a new petition about Table Tennis on the site. Stay Tuned............
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago
Great step forward. Keep us informed.
Neville Young Posted 5 years ago
After nearly 15 years of lobbying, the Whiterhorse Council is planning to include Table Tennis as one of 3 sports that will be included in their new Indoor Sports Facility. The ESCTTA now awaits the consultation process to see what the outcome will be.
You have to be persistent when dealing with councils. You won't get anything from them without getting them to understand how important it is to the sport and the benefits to both them and their public.
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 5 years ago
That is brilliant news Neville. I know how long you have worked on this one. Some great advice.
Good luck with the rest of the process. Hopefully we will all be around to see the outcome and have a hit there one day!