Tacky or non-tacky rubber for developing player


SirLoops Alot
SirLoops Alot Asked 12 years ago


I have been playing at the club level for about a year and a half (1100 USATT). A coach and some other higher rated players have told me to avoid Chinese tacky rubbers (at least on my forehand), saying they're suited for a very particular style of play and not suitable for developing players.  Do you agree? If so, what is the rationale? Why not recommended on FH but OK for BH?

As far as I can tell Chinese rubbers are generally a little slower than other offensive rubber, and good for generating spin on passive stokes like pushes and serves. However I've found the spin "maxes out" quickly and is generally not as spinny as non-tacky rubbers on power topspin shots and is more difficult to loop against heavy backspin with tacky rubber. Apart from that, Chinese-style rubber seems to have good control and spin.

Thanks, and I love the website and information you've shared,


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Dan,

I think they can be OK for developing players. They have a different feel to them but not anything that you can't get used to.  They are often a bit cheaper as well which is good when you are learning the game.

I think they are actually easier to loop against backspin.  They have a different type of feel when you are spinning the ball.  Give them a try and see if you like the feel or not.

Thanks for your kind words about the site.  Glad you are liking it!

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Thoughts on this question

Marius Darian

Marius Darian Posted 8 years ago


This is a good article about tacky rubbers.

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