Tactical Approach In Playing My Opponent

Match Strategy

Mike Deubig
Mike Deubig Asked 7 years ago

I've been playing this guy for the last couple of weeks. Sometimes there is a gap where we don't play against each other for a long time. When we first started playing, I was beating him on a regular basis, but now I have trouble just winning games. Here is the problem...

When we chop a little back and forth, and it's mostly short, he takes the spin off the ball during the rally, I then pop the ball up for an easy score. It's hard for me to tell when he does that. Secondly, he has good flicks on both sides, and often scores that way. Long pushes can sometimes be challenging for him but not always. The main weakness I see is his footwork. Many times he loops the ball with his knees being straight. Meaning, his knees will be bent at first as he allows the ball to drop a little but straightens when he finishes the stroke and many times his knees will remain straight till the next loop where he bends them again. When I loop, the ball goes over the table (too much lift). Not always, but it has happened on a regular basis which I feel is one of the reasons why I lost some games. 

What do you suggest as a tactical approach in playing my opponent? 


Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Mike,

I would open up the game a little more instead of pushing the ball short.  It sounds like he is good at this part of the game.  Perhaps you can push long 50% of the time or even flick the ball first.  Sometimes it doesn't even need to be a strong flick but it is away from the style of game that he likes with the short pushing early.

Thoughts on this question

Mike Deubig

Mike Deubig Posted 7 years ago

Thanks, Alois,

Sounds like fun! I will focus more on opening the game up while changing the length of the pushes to 50/50...:) 

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago

Let me know how you feel when you have had a go at it.

Mike Deubig

Mike Deubig Posted 7 years ago

You are a genius Alois! :) 

We engaged in some matches. I used your advice and although I lost the first match 11-9 in the 5th, I knew your advice was working! The next match I got better with executing your advice and I won fairly easily. In fact, it wasn't until the last match where I finally lost again and even then it was pretty close! I was happy with my play today which I continue to strive for improvement :) 

Thanks again for your advice! 

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago

Great to hear Mike!

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