Tactical notebook


Andy Chen
Andy Chen Asked 3 years ago

Hi Coach, 

i play at my local club(s) a few times a week, participating in RR & occasional tournament

a couple of older in age plyrs suggesting for me to keep a note book, however neither have their own to show me 

asking how and what information should i note down on each plyr in order to best prepare for that next match?  thanks, 

Andy (Sacramento, CA)

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 3 years ago

Hi Andy,

It is a good idea to have some notes on players especially if you are likely to play them regularly.

Some things to start with are:

What types of serves do they do?
What types of serve are effective against them?
What types of returns of serve are effective against them?
Do they prefer to attack or block/defend?
Do they have a better Forehand or Backhand attack?
Do they have a better Forehand or Backhand block/defence?
Is it better to play faster or slower against them?
When I attack where is it best to attack to... Forehand, Backhand or Middle?

We have a tool that you can utilise on the site to help you with this.  Take a look at the Vault which you can find by clicking on your name in the top right hand corner of the site.  In there you can add an opponent and then after that you will find options to enter notes about that opponent.

I hope this helps.

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Thoughts on this question

Andy Chen

Andy Chen Posted 3 years ago

Yes Alois, thank you for the information, helpful


"if" my membership ends, would i still be able to access the notes i keep on players?


i hate to spent the time and effort, then getting locked out of the information ... 



Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 3 years ago

Hi Andy,

Yes you will still have access to the  information.

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