Teaching my Kid


Shiva Rajendran
Shiva Rajendran Asked 12 years ago

Hi Coach,

I am teaching my kid table tennis. Thanks to you for the PDF that you sent to me which helped me a lot. Here is my problem coach. My son is 4 years old and for his height he is not able to play from the ground. I have made a little elevation using a wood and made him play standing on it. He has started returning forehand rallies.

Now the problem is his movement. When the ball is away from his reach, he tends to leave it as he is standing on the piece of wood. What should I do? Is the way that I teach him is correct or should I make him play from the ground. Please advice.



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Shiva,

I would go the other way and just make a shorter table for him.  It doesn't have to be a proper Table Tennis table just any table that is down at his height would do.

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#21 - Generating More Spin

Generating a lot of spin on your shots can make it difficult for you opponent. We use some standard drills this week and focus on getting more spin on your topspin strokes.

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Thoughts on this question

Julio Torres

Julio Torres Posted 12 years ago

actually, i think you can try making a bigger piece of wood, so your kid is going to have more space to move.

Debo :

Debo : Posted 12 years ago

Just wait and let him a bit taller. ;)

Ji-Soo Woo

Ji-Soo Woo Posted 12 years ago

I was going to wait until my baby boy turned 4 to start teaching him table tennis...but after watching this video I might start today!!!




William Butler Denby

William Butler Denby Posted 12 years ago

Haha I love it how he is pretty good at the beginning, and then after he just starts whacking the ball behind him, at his dad, way off the table and stuff like that. Hes got good hand-eye coordination for a baby though

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

That is amazing skills from the baby!!! Ji-Soo get to work...

Reece Clementi

Reece Clementi Posted 12 years ago

Any chance of sharing the PDF???

Shiva Rajendran

Shiva Rajendran Posted 12 years ago

You can download the PDF in the below link:


 Tops Table Tennis: Table Tennis in Schools Program




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