

Sarah Wild
Sarah Wild Asked 14 years ago

Hi Guys,

Love your site. I have a question about 'style'. People often tell me my style (strokes/technique) is not correct, that I use my arm too much instead of my elbow etc. My arm movements should be shorter and quicker.... I'm not a high level player and I'm in my late 40's. I learned to play in high school and then didn't play again until my late 30's, playing on and off since then. I can do all the basic shots reasonably well. It's hard for me to visualise what I'm doing wrong and although I've been told and shown many times how to, I still can't correct my play. Is it a case of you can't teach an old dog new tricks? Should I just play my game the best I can or should I focus on correcting my technique at this late stage?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Sarah,

It is difficult to change technique once it is ingrained.  But, try the method that I outlined in this Blog.  Correcting Errors

Let me know if it helps.

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Backhand Push

In this PingSkills tutorial, we break down the backhand push - a crucial defensive stroke in table tennis that every player should master. Whether you're facing an opponent’s backspin or looking to neutralize their attack, the backhand push is your go-to stroke. We’ll show you the correct starting position, feet position, and finshing position to generate consistent backspin while maintaining control and precision. In this video, you’ll learn:

  1. The technique behind the backhand push
  2. How to handle backspin effectively
  3. Tips to keep your opponent on the defensive

Perfect for players of all levels, this step-by-step guide will help you add a reliable defensive stroke to your arsenal.

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