Telling how much spin is generated


Johnny Johnny
Johnny Johnny Asked 12 years ago

I don't know why but every time my opponent does a stroke it always come no spin and i don't no how to hit it when i do forehand against backspin it flies high when i do forehand topspin it flies into the net.

thanks in advance 

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Johnny,

This is difficult to do at first.  You get a lot of cues that can help but until you have seen then many times it is hard to recognise them.

The contact for no spin and heavy spin is different.  The spin is a brushing action and the no spin a flat contact.

The flight of the spin ball holds up in the air a little more because of the spin.  The sound of the contact of a spin is a little softer as well.

All fo these things and others go towards giving us an idea of what spin is on the ball.  But as I said this takes experience.  So go out and try to hit against as many different players and different spins as you can. With time and training you will recognise all of these things.

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Johnny Johnny

Johnny Johnny Posted 12 years ago



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