Tennis Table Equipment and style


Georgi Stoev
Georgi Stoev Asked 5 years ago

Hello Pingskills, i would like to ask about my gamestyle. I am currently a beginner-intermediate player, and i use a custom tennis racket. Blade - Xiom Fuga, BH Rubber - Yasaka Mark V, FH Rubber - Xiom Vega Intro. I would like to ask u which is the rubber i should serve with, which servers i should learn, and what is the typical gamestyle for such bat. I currently can do forehand smash topspin, and bh topspin( not smash ) my bh is bad tbh.. Sorry for my bad english, i will be grateful if u reply to me ! :)

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 5 years ago

Hi Georgi,

I think this bat is good enough to learn the game and to develop your strokes.  It probably doesn't matter too much which side you use for forehand and backhand.

You can use this to learn topspin and push strokes, in fact all the basics strokes.

Your backhand will improve with some practice.  Focus on getting the movement of the stroke correct.

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