Tension in non-playing side of body


Mandy Sutter
Mandy Sutter Asked 13 years ago

Hi guys

If I play strenuously (e.g. in multi-ball coaching session or difficult match) I often end up with tension and pain on my non-playing side, i.e. left shoulder, arm and neck.

I think I tense up in these situations whereas in practice, I stay calmer and the problem (though still there at a low level) doesn't arise.

Any advice/exercises?



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Mandy,

Not my area of specialty but it does sound like you are tightening up.  See if you cna focus on relaxing through that side of the body during training and see if that makes a difference.  Then you can give it a go during matches as well.

When you are playing do you feel like you are using that side of the body? 

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Thoughts on this question

Mandy Sutter

Mandy Sutter Posted 13 years ago

Hello Alois, I have a training sesh tomorrow and I will try that, haven't had a go at consciously relaxing on that side before.

And I suppose I don't feel I'm actively using that side when playing. My focus tends to be all on what my right hand and arm are doing. 

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 13 years ago
Let us know how the training session works.

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