Terminology of Table Tennis?


Steve Billmire
Steve Billmire Asked 10 years ago

Hello Alois and Jeff,

I did a search on this and have asked about this subject before. I found back in 2009 was the first time someone had asked this question. At the time you had said that TT"Term's and or "Terminology had no official " Term's " for stroke's. I had asked you before about this subject and you said "Perhaps we should start developing a glossary of terms somewhere". I think it is about time to do this, because I know for some of us. The use of these " Term's " can get a little confusing, but by now these "Term's" are widely used on this website/ forum.

Anyone who has been reading and watching video's here, should by now have a pretty good idea of what these "Term's" mean. I know for myself I was a bit over whelmed when I first this wonderful website. But after a while I started understand the lingo of the "Term's". I'm not saying that I know all the " Term's " you and Jeff are talking about, but I am starting to understand some of them.

So I think it is about time for the Pingskills community to start posting on this thread about what these "Term's" mean to them. Then Alois and Jeff can go through this thread (when they have time of course) and help us with what is the right "Term" with the definition of what we perceive is right for the particular "Term". This way we are not taking too much of their time (Alois and Jeff) and all they would need to do is check the thread from time to time. Then they could perhaps correct the " Term" and how it relates to the definition and what we think it means.

Any thoughts would be appreciated,


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Steve,

This would be a good start.

Let’s see how it develops.

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Thoughts on this question

Johan B

Johan B Posted 10 years ago

Sounds like a fun and useful project!

Steve Billmire

Steve Billmire Posted 10 years ago

Okay, I guess I'll start.


We can start anywhere alphabetically or however doesn't really matter. Just like to see this get started.

What we are trying to do is find out what the Definition/meaning/ terminology is for the words we use in TT.

1. Attack/Attacking: Used mostly as a forehand offense/ defense stroke with a lot of power and topspin. IE: 3rd ball attack/ 5th attack.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

Hi Steve,

Not really a defensive shot I wouldn’t think.  A Forehand or Backhand topspin stroke.

Dieter Verhofstadt

Dieter Verhofstadt Posted 10 years ago

I don't want to discourage a spontaneous effort but a forum is not fit for an encyclopaedic endeavour. You do need a wiki for that. Either Pingskills provide for that, or the community formed here starts editing the available Wiki.

On the other hand, table tennis isn't that much of a cognitive sport. It helps understanding the difference between a loop and a drive, if you know that topspin and counterhit are mostly synonyms for those two terms, but your execution of either of them isn't going to improve. It's different for - say - math.

Good luck



Ilia Minkin

Ilia Minkin Posted 10 years ago

What is a "swipe"?

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