

Mohan Rao
Mohan Rao Asked 14 years ago

Alois and Jeff,

I had purchased the DVD pack and went through your training videos recently. I must say it was very interesting. I was a pretty decent player before, having played at the university and state level in India and it was good to watch the training lessons after a gap of almost 10 years.

Now there is a renewed interest in TT and am working towards getting back to shape. I wanna go out there and play just for the joy you derive out of it (time permitting from work of course).

I also had a couple of suggestions on the videos.

1. Please bifurcate the videos for beginners / intermediates and advanced players. Specific videos across these categories will help in the purchase.

2. You might also want to add some specific videos on advanced skills



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Mohan,

Thanks for the kind words about our lessons.

Separating them into level is an idea that has crossed our minds but logistically at the moment it is a bit too difficult.

We will make other videos on more advanced skills as we go through. Jeff and I are quite caught up at the moment till late in the year.  Then we will have more time to get to those tasks.  In the meantime, take a look at the Members Video Zone.  There are always new lessons there for Premium Members.

Keep watching our site for more lessons and initiatives.

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