The most important strokes


mat huang
mat huang Asked 12 years ago

Hi Alois,

I've been learning and watching your video.

I just want to ask you which stroke is the most important ( excluding the serve)


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Mat,

I think the return of serve is next and then I think the forehand topspin is the most important stroke.

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Relaxation: The Secret to More Power

In this video we show you a simple trick to improve your strokes by making them more economical. You'll notice increased power for less effort. When you tense your muscles too much you actually get less power and become more tired. However when you relax the opposite happens. It's why all the best players look like they are hitting the ball so hard without much effort.

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Thoughts on this question

Debo :

Debo : Posted 12 years ago

Just perfectly answered, IMO.

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