Third Ball


Stuart Gibson
Stuart Gibson Asked 9 years ago

Hi guys I am having a problem with my third ball. I do a deceptive side spin top spin serve and they push the ball so it comes back very high with backspin and when I attack it I am only hitting the table about 60% most of the time going long when I miss. It is very frustrating because I do the hard work and get a bad return and don't take advantage off it enough. I am not very tall don't know if that would make any difference in the short high ones. Thanks

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Stuart,

Try to put a bit more topspin on your 3rd ball shot.  Often that ball that comes higher is more difficult than we give it credit for.

Get yourself into a good position and then make sure you play that with topspin to give it a bit of dip onto the table.

Recommended Video

Forehand Counterhit

The forehand counterhit or forehand drive is the foundation for more attacking strokes such as the forehand topspin or forehand loop. There are 3 critical factors:

  1. Your feet position
  2. Your start position
  3. Your finish position

If you concentrate on these 3 factors then your stroke will become extremely consistent. Once you can reliably hit 100 balls in a row then you are ready for more attacking strokes. If you can hit 1,000 balls on in a row then you know you've truly mastered the stroke.

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Thoughts on this question

Ilia Minkin

Ilia Minkin Posted 9 years ago

I also often miss those balls. For me the reason is that the chopped ball goes back with my own sidespin that fools me :D

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago

Yes Ilia, it can be a trap especially when you start to develop your sidespin serves.  Practice the 3rd ball a lot with a proper serve and allow yourself to adjust to the ball that comes back.

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