Second topspin attack


charankamal singh
charankamal singh Asked 10 years ago

I and my partner often practice topspin but after hitting the first topspin i am not able to return the second one. How can I hit the second topspin and return to my position quickly.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Charankamal,

Think about your recovery as following the ball.  If you watch the ball well you will start to react quicker to when the ball is coming back to you.

Also think of your swing and recovery as part of the same process.  So the swing is actually a follow through and then moving your bat back into position for the next ball.

Having good balance during the stroke will also help.  This means having a wide base with your legs and a low position so that you can be stable and also recover for the next ball.

For our Premium members we have a lesson in our Master Classes on Forehand Followup.

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Advanced Backhand Topspin

Learn how to use your wrist, forearm, and hips to generate more speed on your backhand topspin.

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