Time between points to calm down


Matti Rosvall
Matti Rosvall Asked 10 years ago

Hi there Alois and Jeff!

As a returning player to this wonderful game I was wondering how long you can calm yourself down between each ball? Is there any general rule about it? Have noticed that world class players dry their sweat every 6 points and between balls dry their hand to the table but last weekend this time was’t quite the time that i needed, used this method quite succesfully though against several players but noticed also that some of them became really irritated about me doing so. Best Regards Matti

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Matti,

The rules says that play should be continuous.  So in theory you don’t have much time at all.  However, as you have seen the players do tend to stall a bit with the hand wiping and other mannerisms.

You are allowed to towel down after every 6 points and then allowed 1 minute between games.

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