Tips for first tournament


Lukas Haraldsen
Lukas Haraldsen Asked 10 years ago

Hey PingSkills!

So next week on monday, I'm playing my first ever table tennis tournament. Do you have any tips on what I should do, or any tips on how I can read my opponent's serves and/or moves? And what techniques do you thing I should use? Long serves, short serves with backspin, or maybe sidespin serves?

And I decided, I will continue to play with the Shakehand grip laughing

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Lukas,

I am glad that you have decided to continue with what you are doing.  It will give you better continuity, especially this close to a tournament.

As far as techniques, think about doing the things you do normally.  Don’t try to do anything different.  A tournament is just about seeing where your game is compared to others.

Do the serves that you usually do well.

Good luck with the tournament and be sure to let us know what you think of the experience.

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#48 - Tournament Preparation 4

We know that serving is one of the most critical parts of Table Tennis. That's why this week in the lead up to our tournament we are focusing on your serve.

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