Tips for table tennis tournaments


raaquib merchant
raaquib merchant Asked 12 years ago

1.Q how much sleep do you need before you play a match, Tournament.

2.Q how much do you need to eat before you play a match, Tournament.




Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Raaquib,

As far as sleep try to get as much as you can in the days leading up.  Sometimes it is difficult to get a lot of sleep the night before so you should try to build up the bank of sleep in the previous week.

During a tournament often you don't know when you are scheduled to play.  So it is important to eat small amounts during the day a lot of times.  This will keep your energy levels up.  Don't eat a big meal unless you know you have a few hours before your next match.

Hope these tips help.

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Thoughts on this question

Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Hi Raaquib,

Also take a look at the blog Alois wrote about what to expect at a tournament.

DHS Lover

DHS Lover Posted 12 years ago

Wow ! This is help thank you very much

Tushar Verma

Tushar Verma Posted 9 years ago

This blog gave to confidence to play in my first national Tournament. Thanks Alois for writing the blog.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago

Great to hear it Tushar.

Johan B

Johan B Posted 9 years ago

Load up on fat and proteins in the morning, like 4 eggs and a ton of bacon with a nice big spoon of mayo, then eat some of your favorite candy between matches for an extra carb boost cool that's how I'll do it for my 12h tournament tomorrow anyway!


D K Posted 9 years ago

Alois,so is it bad when I am often unable to sleep more than 6 hours?
Many times,I sleep only about 2-4hours before the tournament,Most of the night I just lie fully awake and unable to relax.

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