1.Q how much sleep do you need before you play a match, Tournament.
2.Q how much do you need to eat before you play a match, Tournament.
Hi Raaquib,
As far as sleep try to get as much as you can in the days leading up. Sometimes it is difficult to get a lot of sleep the night before so you should try to build up the bank of sleep in the previous week.
During a tournament often you don't know when you are scheduled to play. So it is important to eat small amounts during the day a lot of times. This will keep your energy levels up. Don't eat a big meal unless you know you have a few hours before your next match.
Hope these tips help.
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Hi Raaquib,
Also take a look at the blog Alois wrote about what to expect at a tournament.
DHS Lover Posted 12 years ago
Tushar Verma Posted 9 years ago
This blog gave to confidence to play in my first national Tournament. Thanks Alois for writing the blog.
Great to hear it Tushar.
Johan B Posted 9 years ago
Load up on fat and proteins in the morning, like 4 eggs and a ton of bacon with a nice big spoon of mayo, then eat some of your favorite candy between matches for an extra carb boost
that's how I'll do it for my 12h tournament tomorrow anyway!
D K Posted 9 years ago
Alois,so is it bad when I am often unable to sleep more than 6 hours?
Many times,I sleep only about 2-4hours before the tournament,Most of the night I just lie fully awake and unable to relax.