Tomahawk Forehand and Backhand Serve


JOB Escano
JOB Escano Asked 14 years ago

How to improve the Tomahawk backhand and forehand serve, hook serve, pendulum serve and how to counter Tomahawk forehand and backhand serve.

Jeff Plumb
Jeff Plumb Answered 14 years ago

Hi Job,

To improve your serves you need to practice them a lot! The serve is such a critical element in Table Tennis make sure you pay enough attention to this area of your game.

Have a read of Six Steps to a Better Serve and then try and follow the advice. If you do that you will improve your serve.

As for countering the Tomahawk serve, the most important skill is to be able to read what spin your opponent generates on the ball. Are they serving it with some backspin or topspin? How much sidespin is on the ball? All of this comes with experience. Get out there and play as many different opponents as you can with as many different serves. The more practice you get the better you will become.

Good luck.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Variation of Speed

Varying the speed is different from varying the length. You can have a fast short serve and a slow short serve. You can also have a fast long serve and a slow long serve.

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Thoughts on this question

Sam Quek

Sam Quek Posted 13 years ago

In my opinion, the Tomahawk Serve is one very tricky serve you'll ever come arcoss. The one that I do is the one that Kenta did, but a more simplified version. One thing I realised about the Serve is that it is very hard for you to see the finish position of the serve, becasue due to the fact of the crouching action, the bat disappears under the table, making your opponent wondering what type of spin it has on the ball. So try, if you can when you're not playing against the opponent, stand at a distance away from him and watch him do the serve. Look out for what are the finishing positions of the serve. From there, you'll see what the spin it has and follow the advice Alois taught you! Good luck.

Ji-Soo Woo

Ji-Soo Woo Posted 13 years ago

I am in love with my tomahawk's the only one that I can generate consistent high level of spin with.  It's definitely my serve of choice when I have a must-win point or if I want to dishearten the opponent!  heh heh ;)

gian crispino

gian crispino Posted 13 years ago

the tomahawk serve is the easiest lots-of-spin serve you can practice. i remember the first time i tried this serve and i made the ball go in with lots of sidespin. its one of my 'killer serves'

Andrew Yau

Andrew Yau Posted 13 years ago

I know what you mean ji so

I use the tomahawk regularly mixing it n with sme pendulumd but its my main serves that annoys ppl

My reverse tomahawk went from pro to beginner due to lack of playing 

:'( shame tho use to get 7 axes in 1 game out of 21 first to 5 sets :P mm the crouching aches my back and makes me stumble du to lousy footwork tho lol

Sam Quek

Sam Quek Posted 13 years ago

Yes! The Tomahawk serve is one of the most threatening serves you'll ever come across. I love it but people disliked it, especially my opponents! I called it KTS "Killer Tomahawk Serve".

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