Tomahawk vs Pendulum serve


Josh H
Josh H Asked 9 years ago

Hey Alois and Jeff. I've been playing for about 6 months and I'd like to know which serve I should continue to practice and master. I can do both the Tomahawk and Pendulum serve quite well, but I also want to learn the reverse version of them. I'd like to serve like Kenta Matsudaira, but I'm not sure if it's that effective. I will eventually know both, but should my main serve be like Kenta Matsudaira's or the Pendulum like everyone else's? I really want to have a main serve and focus on one. Thanks.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Josh,

I think it is purely up to the individual player as to which serve they should focus on.  It is OK for you to work on more than one at this stage as well.  As your game develops your favourite serve will probably also change.

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