Topspin serve


Mihir Chaudhery
Mihir Chaudhery Asked 8 years ago

Hello alios 

I wanted to know how to do a top spin serve and  how to grip the racquet while doing the top spin serve.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Mihir,

For topspin you need to brush over the ball or up the back of the ball.  Each serve that you try has a different action to get the topspin.
For our Premium members we show you each of these serves and the types of spin you can get on them in our Serving Secrets section.

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Jan Ove Waldner's Fast Serve Down the Line

The great Jan Ove Waldner was the greatest server of all time. Take a look into one of his secrets to his serving success.

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Thoughts on this question

Devansh Dubey

Devansh Dubey Posted 7 years ago

If you learnt how to do a short heavy topspin serve you can defeat your freinds easily. To do a topspin serve I suggest you to learn Miu hirano serve or Waldner serve.

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