Topspin against heavy backspin


Paarth Saxena
Paarth Saxena Asked 7 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff!

I took a look on your multiball course and have been practicing with multiball. The main thing I practice is topspin against block or backspin. My question is that my father also plays table tennis and whenever I hit a topspin he returns it with a chop and the backspin is very heavy , I just cant return it back , as soon as I hit it , it goes into the net. In multiball , in the topspin against backspin the backspin isn't very heavy and I can just return it effectively but with heavy backspin I can't.  Is there any way to practice topspin against heavy backspin or chop through multiball? Please tell me if there is. Thank You

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Paart,

This depends a bit on the skill of the multiball feeder.  You can generate a lot of backspin wiht the feed if you have the touch.  It may be good for the feeder to move slightly further away from the net to give them more place to swing and also generate the backspin.  They need to brush the ball heavily at the base of the ball, the same principle as if they were chopping heavily in a rally.

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Thoughts on this question

Wasim Al-Haddad

Wasim Al-Haddad Posted 7 years ago

I have also had some issues with returning a backspin ball with a topspin, however I've learnt if you open the bat a bit and brush the ball upwards you can have a successful return.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago

Good thought Wasim.  By opening the bat you make it easier to lift.  It is harder to generate the topspin on the ball though but it is a way to counteract the backspin.

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