Topspin problems


Siddhartha Raja
Siddhartha Raja Asked 12 years ago

sir when i hit topspin against block i hit it easily when ball is long but when ball is short i cant able to hit topspin sir i have also problem when i hit topspin against topspin i cant hit topspin.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Siddhartha,

To play a topspin against a shorter ball you need to move in close to the table.  As long as the ball only bounces once on your side of the table you can make the topspin quite comfortably.  If the ball is only going to bounce once on the table then you are better to make a flick stroke. 

Playing topspin against topspin is a more advanced stroke.  You really need to watch the ball carefully as it will be dipping quickly.  Start by hitting the ball more conservatively and with more control and then you can start to add a little topspin.  Take a look at our lesson on Topspin to Topspin.

Recommended Video

Backhand Topspin Off Backspin

This lesson provides you with some tips to deal with a backspin ball when playing the backhand topspin loop.

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Thoughts on this question

Siddhartha Raja

Siddhartha Raja Posted 12 years ago

isr i see it but it not effective for me tell me the key points to play topspin to topspin because when i do rally then sometime ball coming very fast and i also not able to block

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Hi Siddhartha,

Practice is now the key.  Nobody is able to do this well straight away.  Table Tennis is a game that requires practice and more practice once you have the basic idea.

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