Tossing problem


jack neo
jack neo Asked 13 years ago

Hey coaches, i like to imitate Ma Long's service which includes a high toss and i got the motion right. But i always toss the ball either too close to my body, too far or in another direction. Especially in matches when i get tensed i tend to make service errors and it affects my ability to brush the ball. What solution would you suggest?

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Jack,

The solution is to practice your ball toss.  You can do this in a training situation by even just throwing the ball up and getting it to land on a sheet of paper in front of you on the ground,  It is a skill that needs practice like most other things in this sport.  Then in a training situation you can also practice it often in a game situation or at the start f some of your drills.

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