Tough match on Tuesday


Matt D
Matt D Asked 10 years ago

Hi guys,

I have a tough match on Tuesday. One guy I am playing against is a left hander, the other is a very good lobber and looper( I could just drop shot him but my drop shots go too long and he will just loop the ball and probably end up winning the point) and the other one I don't have a chance against because he played for Poland in the Olympics.

The left hander is an attacking table tennis player who stays up to the table and just loops.

The lobber swaps from attacking and defending and he just cho's his head off 

I know I haven't given a lot of information but if you could perhaps give me a few tips on how to beat these guys then that would be great.



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Matt,

The first thing is to focus on what you do well.  Try to get the first attack.  This will stop them from getting into their favourite part of the game.

Take a look through the Vault as well and put these players down and try to see if there is anything else that you can find about them that will help.  After the matches on Tuesday, go back to it and add anything else you find out.

Recommended Video

Table Tennis Video Tutorial


Alois has a lot of experience coaching and the first thing he talks about with regards to match strategy is placement. You need to be able to think your way through a match and vary your placement when needed. Watch this video to find out how.

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Thoughts on this question

Matt D

Matt D Posted 10 years ago

Thanks I will do that

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