

Trey Yates
Trey Yates Asked 11 years ago

Hello Alois,

I have a question for you, my training partner simply doesn't want to play table tennis when I really want to practice, Im thinking about buying a robot, anyway, how would you train if you didn't have a training buddy and if you don't have a robot. And what can I do to improve my game?



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Trey,

It is important to try and find a player to practice with or at the least have a robot or something similar to hit.  There is no real replacement for this.

We do have a lesson on Practicing Alone which gives you some simple ideas when you can't practice  but at some stage you need to hit with another player.

Are there any clubs in your area?

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

#5 - Shuffle Footwork

In this session we focus on your sideways movement by presenting 4 drills to get you moving.

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