training a restless boy


Jesus Calle
Jesus Calle Asked 14 years ago


I coach a boy (10 years old) that is not able to keep doing drills for enough time.

For instance he is not able to keep doing controlled topspin for more than for/five times; after that he stroke very hard making his partner angry. Even in the warm-up before an official match he does that. He seems not able to do a simple drill for more than 3 minutes. After that time there is no benefit.

Of course at training sessions he loves to play matches.

The main coach is now emphasizing the importance of keep control doing drills but seems impossible for him and get the coach angry.

What is your advice? How to treat this kind of boys?

Thank you very much.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Jesus,

This is a common issue with young players.  It is important to set some interesting tasks for these sort of players.  You can make these simple tasks competitive.  Like You can get the students to play a competition of forehands for example.  see how many they can do without a mistake.  You could get them to focus on the technique by only giving them a point if they complete the technique correctly.

By adding competition to what they are training you will get them to focus on the skill.

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