Training in china


eugene lu
eugene lu Asked 8 years ago

Hi alois,

I want to know what is so special about training in china? Other than longer hours of training, what else makes Chinese training better than others. I've watched a lot of ppl train in china but the drills they are doing are more or less the same as what I'm doing. So what makes Chinese training so special?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Eugene,

It is a numbers game.  You are training with a better quality of player more often.  They are not doing any different drills or type of training.

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Thoughts on this question

Peter Niu

Peter Niu Posted 8 years ago

There is more competition to get good in China, so the players have to train harder than people in other countries to be considered good.

Dima Shevchenko

Dima Shevchenko Posted 8 years ago

I totally agree.

Marius Darian

Marius Darian Posted 8 years ago

I agree as well, the intensity of the training is what sets it apart. 

Waldner went there as a kid to a training camp for a few months and was amazed by it:

"Liu Guoliang asked if Waldner's training in China when he was still young had a great contribution to his achievement as an adult player. 

Waldner replied: "It was a totally big help. After coming to China, I was able to have a very high improvement in my understanding about the sport." "


Fesih TOPDEMİR Posted 8 years ago

How many hours a day does Chinese professional players training? a lot of people says they work 6 hours everyday is it true?

eugene lu

eugene lu Posted 8 years ago

Yes that true but I don't know whether it's continuous or separated into different periods. Does anyone know?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 8 years ago

Yes usually broken up into two sessions.

Dieter Verhofstadt

Dieter Verhofstadt Posted 8 years ago

The numbers game has a spiral effect. A coach can set a higher standard for a training session if all participants already have a highly developed skillset.

Chinese training tends to focus on very fine aspects of technique, like minor adjustments of wrist and fingers, relaxation before explosion, position of the feet ... It is hard to focus on these if part of the trainees don't master a particular stroke system at the more basic levels yet.

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