Training left hand


Il Ill
Il Ill Asked 9 years ago

Master Rosario,...

I have one child with left hand .But I am right hand.

How I to teach this child to play?

Is there any methods with which to make it easier to teach a left handed child?

How the kid imitate me more easy? Only robot training?

Thank you in advance.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Il,

One thing you can do is set up a mirror so that your image is reflected and looks like  left hander so that they can see it more clearly.  However, it is not usually a big problem anyway.  Just demonstrate the strokes like you normally would.  Let handers are often good at converting this because they do this all the time in a right handers world.

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Thoughts on this question

Johan B

Johan B Posted 9 years ago

In fact watching you from the front is like their watching themselves in the mirror

Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago

@Johan - true :)

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