Training my younger brother

Strokes and Technique

ammar ammar
ammar ammar Asked 8 years ago

I want to train my little brother but i don't know how to train him. Can you give me some tips?

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Ammar,

It is great that you are wanting to help him.  Well done.

The best way is to firstly make sure you are making the game enjoyable for him.

Then as far as strokes, if you go through the Strokes & Techniques section of the site, start at the top and work your way down the page you will start to teach him the basics of the game well.  A lot of repetition is required which can become monotonous so try to find ways to make these repetitions interesting.  Invent little games for him and challenges along the way.

Thoughts on this question

ammar ammar

ammar ammar Posted 8 years ago

Thank You very much. Really Appreciate the help.

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