Training program.


Johnny Christiansen
Johnny Christiansen Asked 12 years ago

Thanks for the invitation to ask you a question. So we go. Not for myself...but.

Could you guide me in a around 40 minute training program for kids at the age of 8-12 ?? I normally get them to start with some running where they shall try and hit each other with a pingpong ball. After that, I do "bouncing on 1 side of the racket, when I say "turn" they shall turn. After that, they are competing in 2 teams, running about 10 meter with the ball on the racket. Next they run again, but then they bounce the ball on the racket. After that I do around 10 minutes backhand, then 10 minutes forehand. I learned through pinskills to place a paper that they should try and hit the paper. After those 30 minutes, they get to play some matches...I know other options, but would be nice to get a professional advice.

All the best, Johnny

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Johnny,

You are certainly on the right track.

The main thing is to get the kids engaged as quickly as possible.  Lots of quick activities keeping their minds interested I find is the best thing for that age.

Any activity that gets them to hit a lot of balls on the table is good.  You could also try multi ball with them.  They will enjoy this and give them a lot of balls to hit that are put int the right place for them.

If you have some adults that can feed the ball to them in the right place that will also be beneficial.

Also give them time to just play and enjoy the game.

Let me know if you have any other queries.

Also take a look at this resource. Tops Table Tennis: Table Tennis in Schools Program for lots of ideas.

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