Hi Alois and Jeff,
I am fairly new to your site and have been gaining much insight just from the basic videos. I am a middle to upper level player who plays with some high level players so I have learned much from them.
My wife has now joined me and really likes it. So that is great benefit of something we can enjoy together. She was a tennis player so is picking up very fast and can consistently return the ball. Your site has proved invaluable for her because you guys break things down so well, it is easier for her to understand the basic (and correct) method of the different aspects of table tennis. So thanks for that as it greatly complements what I am trying to teach her! It won't be long and we will be visiting the Premium Videos as well.
My question:
What do you think about the "Return Board"? (;; I was thinking of purchasing the Double Return Basic or the the Speed Return Board +30. Have you used or have any or your students used? I was wondering what your thoughts were on it.
Also for your information in case you have never seen this. I have a bad back so picking up the balls is a problem. Check out I purchased one and it is everything it promises to be!
Hi Jim,
Firstly return boards are limited in their use and take quite a bit of skill to use. You are much better off to hit with each other since there are two of you. I tried one out and it took a bit of getting used to.
The other option is to learn to multi ball to each other. This is where one player has a bucket of balls and feeds them out one at a time.
Regarding the My Pingpong buddy I think the y are a great idea too. The inventor is a member of PingSkills and we very excited when he was first making them and showing them around. They certainly save your back.
The penhold grip has a natural advantage when it comes to serving due to the increased wrist movement that is allows. However shakehand players can modify their normal grip to give them the same advantage. Learn how in this master class.
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