Training with robot or partner


john welly
john welly Asked 11 years ago

Hi Alois can you tell me is it the same when you training with robot or with your partner?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi John,

Training with a partner as long as they are reasonable is much better than training with a robot.  There are a lot more things that you are learning because you are watching what your partner is doing and learning to anticipate where the ball is coming by learning cues from their strokes and body.

The robot can be good for just learning how to play a stroke.

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Thoughts on this question

DHS Lover

DHS Lover Posted 11 years ago

My senior just take his robots 2 days ago and this is what i think between them robot : you can control how much speed and frequency on the ball and also where the ball you want to place it, is it on the backhand or forehand side with this, you can practicing return of serve with short or long ball and wide ball. You can also practice how to return a counterhit, flick and smash with the robot (all no spin ball) as you see, you can't practice how to control each spin on the ball with robot and you need to take the ball up again and it's more tired than practicing note : i don't know if there have a new robot that can put spin on it because my senior robot is old one partner : you can practice any type of spin on the ball and every stroke you also don't know where the ball will go that will make you move and increase your footwork as well you also don't need have to tired to take the ball as you just play with one ball but, don't think that your partner can do everything. So what i mean is maybe there're partners that can't do some stroke especially for the flick and smash so you can't practice it for me, it's the best to learn your service first so that you don't need a partner then, learn the return of serve that you can practice with everyone and the third is to practice the third ball as you can do it better, try to do a long distance rally of a stroke for example hit the ball slowly without any spin and look how long you can do this (i think this is easy because youy don't need to get hurry and confuse with the spin) i hope this'll help you :D good luck

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