Turning sides of your racket


Fredrik Gustafsson
Fredrik Gustafsson Asked 10 years ago


i have 2 things I’m wondering about.

First: as i play short pimples on backhand i have recently begun to wonder if it would be good to turn my bat during a rally and hit the ball with my short pips but on my forhand side ( like if i pushed a long backspin ball to my opponents forhand and i can see in beforehand that he/she will do a loop that have very much top spin and is quite high). cause i find those balls very hard to loop back with my normal inverted forehand ( so that if i would switch i could just smack it instead with a good accuracy) What do you think, is it a good idea to train on that?

Second: is it you guys who was comentating on the australian open this year? :)

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Fredrik,

On your first query, it can be a good tactic to switch sometimes.  It will add variety and also make it more difficult for your opponent.  Players with short pimple don’t tend to switch very much but it can be a good ‘sometimes’ tactic.

On your second point, yes it was us doing the commentary.  Did you happen to listen?

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Thoughts on this question

Ji-Soo Woo

Ji-Soo Woo Posted 10 years ago

I highly recommend learning to twiddle as well.  Besides being very effective, it is a lot of fun!  Trouble is you have to learn twice the number of strokes.

Fredrik Gustafsson

Fredrik Gustafsson Posted 10 years ago

Yes and i was very suprised :) , it was very fun to have you guys commentating! 

ok, thanks Alois!

Ji- Soo Woo- Hi! i think i will focus all my spare energy of each day to practise the short pimple forehand when there is a certain ball that i have trouble with but thank for your advice ( i know Tang peng does it to attack with his backhand)

I train about 5 hours a day 7 days a week ( 2 trainings per day) and if i take 1 more hour per day i think i might learn it!

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