Type of player


Evander Pokoina
Evander Pokoina Asked 11 years ago

Hey pingskills i was wondering if there is a way to find out what kind of player i would be. I dont know if im a offensive or defensive player. I play like an offensive player but usually i serve or return the first hit and its like i automatically start walking away from the table and get myself into a defensive position.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Evander,

It sounds like you are an allround player.

A definition of your style is not that important.  Find ways that you like to play.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Tactics Against a Flat Bat

If you come up against a payer that has a flat bat that can't generate much spin and you are having problems, take a look at this video for some help.

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Thoughts on this question

Justin O'Toole

Justin O'Toole Posted 11 years ago

Alois is right it does not matter one bit what style you are. What you need to do is play against all kinds of players with weird and wonderful styles over and over again. This will help you play against anyone and make you more comfortable against people with all styles. Experience in this area is vital for excellent play.

Also practice all kinds of styles yourself over and over again so you find which one you are comfortable with. It is important to be able to play all styles yourself as some players find certain styles very hard to play against and combat. This also will improve your tactics as they are very important in all your matches.

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