type of sidespin


Judah Cagas
Judah Cagas Asked 13 years ago

dear coaches,

i saw a new type of sidespin, on a normal pendulum....imagine a clock in front of you the normal side spin would go   9 oclock  to 3oclock (iam a left handed person)if you follow me, but the this type of sidespin the clock would go 12oclock to 6 oclock: note ma long often uses this type spin.Some people says this as front back sidespin.

thank you,


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Judah,

This is often referred to as the corkscrew sidespin.  It is just another form of sidespin with less forward momentum.  You can treat it the same way as other sidespin. 

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Judah Cagas

Judah Cagas Posted 13 years ago

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