Types of robots


Sergio Martinez
Sergio Martinez Asked 9 years ago


I am looking into buying a robot since it is hard for me to find people to train with.  There's a couple I'm looking at.  

One can only do topspin and backspin.  

The other can also do sidespin.  

I am looking at these two robots because they both include an expandable net so I can just keep playing without having to worry about reloading balls.  What do you think?  For the purposes of training is it better to get a robot does sidespin or does it not matter?  Thanks!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Sergio,

I think if you want to spend a little extra for the sidespin it may be worthwhile however, the most important by far is the topspin and backspin.

Robots are good for training if you don’t have a practice partner.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

#31 - Topspin Returns

Learn to attack any long serve and put your opponent under pressure right from the start of the rally. We present some great match drills to improve your attacking ability in this area.

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Thoughts on this question

Sergio Martinez

Sergio Martinez Posted 9 years ago

So then what exactly should I be looking for in a robot?  I want to work on getting my strokes well grooved and on footwork.  When it comes to that, it doesn't really matter if a robot can do side-spin or not?  I do have a friend I can train with and I figure I can work on match strategy with him.  He likes to play and serve with a lot of different types of spin so I feel like I get good practice at learning to read spins from him.  Sadly there is no real club I can join in my area so it makes it hard to find someone who is willing to train with me all day.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago

Hi Sergio,

Look for a robot that can feed the ball out regularly to a couple of different positions in a simple pattern.  I have used a Y&T robot that suits this purpose.  I don't know too much about the different options out there but others may have some advice on this.

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