Uneven gluing of rubber


M V Asked 12 years ago

i get my rubber pasted by one of the retailers selling TT equipments.

i find that  there is always a bit of uneven pasting of the rubber on the bat. is it normal or not called for, if it is not called for then why does it happen and what can be done to resolve the problem?



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

HI Manish,

It is difficult to get the rubber perfectly even with the new water based glue.  You really have to apply the glue evenly and then wait a long time to let the glue get touch dry before sticking it on.

Once it is on you can wait because it does tend to settle down after a while or if it doesn't then the only real solution is to take it off and reglue it.  Make sure you get all the previous glue off first.

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Thoughts on this question

Henry C

Henry C Posted 11 years ago

Hi Coach,


What happens if I forgot to wait to "let the glue get touch dry before sticking it on"?  I feel like I have not been waiting long enough all these years of gluing (various types of rubber sheets to various blades)...  However, I still got good results;  I see the surface is even after (1) I press them against a table edge to roll out any possible air bubble AND (2) I leave it under some heavy books overnight.


Will the fact that the glue looks almost all "non-shinny transparent" be a good indicator of that "touch dry" state that you are talking about?  I tend to add 1 more layer of glue to the rubber sheet as I feel that it doesn't have that stickiness when it's dry. Good idea?




Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

Hi Henry,

The glue will dry eventually if you put it on wet so don't worry too much.

You can put an extra layer on the rubber especially if it is new rubber because the glue tends to soak into the sponge when new.

Schmuel Stutschinsky

Schmuel Stutschinsky Posted 2 years ago


I opened a new bat, and noticed that the shades on the red side are uneven. There are brighter areas and less shiny areas. There are also slight differences in touch. Is this a manufacturing defect?


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