Hello PingSKills Team,
I have played a match in a tournament recently and that player told me that he refuses to play with me unless I allow him to get used to my long pimples.
He said that it is unsportsmanlike when I cover my long pimpled side.
He wanted me to show him all I can do with the pips before we start a match.
He also said that it is against the rules when I do not show him my longpips game before the match.
But is it true?
Is it illegal,or unfair?
Hi DK,
You don't have to use the long pimples in the warm up.
There are no rules around it. Most long pimple players don't use the pimples during the warm up.
What does everyone else think? Should there be rules around this?
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david j Posted 8 years ago
all you have to do is show him your racket if he wants to inspect it. different inverted rubbers play differently as well, yet nobody would demand that the other person 'shows them everything they can do'.
it being unsportsmanshiplike is just an opinion by him, and it doesn't even make sense. you might as well demand that the opponent should play his best serves during the warm up so you get used to them and so you know what your opponent does before the match starts
if he's not used to long pips thats his problem, and screw him for caliming that its against the rules for you not showing how you play during a warmup
D K Posted 8 years ago
I also think that it is nonsense.
And that player went to the Association Head to persuade me to warm up with pimples.
Though,the Head told him the same: it is not neccessary.
I also do not want my opponents to do their best in warmup.
I even do not always inspect their bat.
Only if I think they have shortpips.
If they have Acuda,Tenergy,longpips or antispin,I usually find it out during first few balls.
Jean Balthazar Posted 8 years ago
The "show me all that you got" thing is definitively not mandatory, and it would be impossible to enforce anyway (how would you judge that? :o) ).
What often happens, or even most of the times with pimples players, is that they won't use their pimpled rubber during the 2 minutes pre-match "warm up" at all. That I find is not totaly fair. I guess it depends on what you consider this 2 minutes to be there for. If it's "warm up" time, you could even play with somebody else than your opponent. To me it's more "acclimatization" time, and in that regard, I'd like to test how the pimpled rubber reacts. So I think one should be forced to use both his rubbers in the pre-match phase.
mat huang Posted 8 years ago
To be honest i much rather they use normal rubbers to warm me up because I cannot warm up properly with pimples.
Michael Song Posted 8 years ago
Actually, if asked, you are required to show your racket to your opponent, they have a right to see the equipment you are using.
Ales Krejci Posted 8 years ago
I thing it´s pretty common that players don´t use their long pimples during warm up and as mat huang mentioned, I prefer it as well.
He could ask you to show him all yours strenghts and weaknesses :-)