Use of Grip


Kaustubh Kulkarni
Kaustubh Kulkarni Asked 9 years ago


One of the players in my club has tied rubber grip (one used for badminton rackets) to handle of his racket. When I asked him the reason he told me that he did it because his hand sweats a lot. So, is use of this grip legal?


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Kaustubh,

That is allowed.  Some players like it to help with the grip on their handle but I don’t think any of the top players use it.  I think it reduces the feel of the bat.

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Thoughts on this question

Johan B

Johan B Posted 9 years ago

I've let my paddle fly off three times since I started. Maybe I should invest in something like that. Anyone has any tips where to order something like this?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago

In the past I have tried even just cutting a piece of bicycle tyre tube and pulling it down around the handle.  This worked well.

Ilia Minkin

Ilia Minkin Posted 9 years ago

>but I don’t think any of the top players use it. 

One of such players is Robert Gardos. Russian Yana Noskova, currently #74 in the World, uses a cute pink overgrip :)

>Anyone has any tips where to order something like this?

You can get a pack of overgrip for as little as 5$ USD. Check your local racket sports store, one regular tennis tape can be used for two TT rackets.

I've let my paddle fly off three times since I started.

Exactly. I play with a slightly heavy racket, so when I try to relax my wrist on backhand flicks, I feel like it slides off my palm. The overgrip solved this problem perfectly.

martinand bernard

martinand bernard Posted 9 years ago

your dog like your bat?

Russ Orlando

Russ Orlando Posted 5 years ago

Go to any sporting goods store and head to one of two departments, baseball or tennis (maybe even golf) and ask for grip tape. It comes in various thicknesses and tackiness levels as well as colors. Easy to apply and easy to remove.

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