Variation of strokes


umar khan
umar khan Asked 9 years ago

 I have only practiced my pendulum serve and topspin and also a bit of backspin serves. The problem I have is that i'm too predictable. My peers know that i'm gonna serve short and directly hit a topspin off a long ball. The result is that they effectively block it and I choke, thus losing a match.

I've tried to change this but my pushes go too high and I get a flick. How to prevent this????

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Umar,

It is good to vary the serve sometimes.  Serve a long fast serve every now and then and you will find they will not be able to stay so close to the table to return the short serve.

Variation is a big part of match strategy.

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