Which are the variations of the tomahawk serve?
Hi Matias,
You can do a lot of different spins with the Tomahawk serve. They will all have some sidespin but you can vary whether you put backspin or topspin with it. You get backspin by coming under the ball a little and topspin by going over the top of the ball on contact.
You can also hit the ball with the back of the bat for the Reverse Tomahawk serve. experiment and see what you can come up with.
The backhand serve is often under rated. We teach you how to vary your spin so you can confuse your opponent.
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Marcus Hardung Posted 9 years ago
Hi Alois,
the Tomahawk serve has caught the attention of my son this weekend -he basically spend the time practising the toss and hitting the ball and huray tonight he was able to demonstrate both Back and forehand sidespin variants -hitting the table...which comes as a surprise .
I´m a bit concerned about him trying to learn both at the same time.Would you advise to first hone the backhand and then forehand or let him just enjoy the sensation of having a very variable weapon and see how he develops this skill?
Sure I have had my hand in this teling him about the possibilities of adding topspin or backspin to the sidespin ...but my fear is he might get lost in this..or is it more he will do things by instinct and if he does not improve on the matter get some lesson to adjust the things he does not quite right?
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago
Hi Marcus,
I think it is great that he has found something that he wants to work on. I think it is a positive. Kids are much more able to learn and experiment.
Marcus Hardung Posted 9 years ago
thanks Alois , I´ll lay back and enjoy.
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago