Vault - Start a live match


Christian ,
Christian , Asked 10 years ago

Hello Jeff,

"Start a live match" does only work for my own match against one of my opponent or a new opponent, and it doesn't allow a correction if I do a mistake.

Would it be possible to change this : start a live match between two other opponents, than create a pdf file or something else and send the analisys to the player i have followed ? So that another player of my team can do the same for me.

Thank you for your answer.

Best wishes.



Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 10 years ago

Hi Christian,

I really like your idea but it might take me some time to implement. In the meantime can you login to your Vault and then have your friend record the match on your phone. Then they could create their own account and you could record their match for them on their phone? I hope that made sense. I still need to make it possible to see the analysis after the match is completed and the screen refreshed.

And yes I will definitely add the functionality to allow you to correct a score in the future. Thanks for the suggestions. It is great to hear that the Vault is being put to good use.

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