Vault Notes


Chris Guess
Chris Guess Asked 10 years ago

Hi there,

i just started using the Vault and I have quickly fell in love with the resource. I enjoy tracking my training and matches and love being able to see my table tennis "at a glance." All that being said, I have a simple suggestion ( I say simple, but understand the development hurdles in implementation): 

i have found that I ( and possibly others) could benefit from a sort of note taking widget. One where you could post notes about areas you feel are current strengths or weaknesses, and where you want to emphasize training towards. Currently I am trying to remind myself that I struggle on the 3rd ball after a push and attacking it to enforce control of the rally. I would love to see this as a note and possibly even the ability to note whether I thought I accomplished this in my training or matches in the future. While I realize this could become quite complex, I figured I might as well put in my two cents. 

And as my sandwich is concerned : I love what you guys are doing and am excited to continue using and tracking my progress!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the suggestion.  They are always welcomed.  I will get Jeff to have a look and see what is possible.

I am glad that you are finding the Vault useful.  We think it is a great resource too and really love to hear when it hits the mark with players.

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