Video Analysis


Daniel Encarnação
Daniel Encarnação Asked 13 years ago

Hi Mr. Alois Rosario and Mr. Jeff Plumb it's been a long time since i have come to your valuable lessons so i wanted to ask some questions:

Is there any way me to create a video of me playing and send it to you so you can judge my plays and what should i improve?

Because even if i wanted to learn more im not sure what to improve but what i really wanted was to have a face-off against one of you one day I will make that happen and if by chance you could come to Portugal could you tell me so i could learn with you personaly? Since im such a fan of yours

By the way if I were able to meet you one day in your country could you tell me were please? Thanks a lot

p.s. I'm a fan since i knew this site existed and always will be, and sorry if i'm being annoying


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Daniel,

Welcome back.  At the moment we don't have the option of doing personal video analysis.  It is something we have offered in the past though and may do in the future.

It would be good to meet one day.  A face-off sounds challenging! We are in Australia, a long way from Portugal.

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Thoughts on this question

Daniel Encarnação

Daniel Encarnação Posted 13 years ago

If I have any chance to go to Australia ill tell and then ill ask for the exact location of your " sanctuary " thanks for the reply

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 13 years ago
We will wait to hear from you.  I better keep training till then.

Paul Johnson

Paul Johnson Posted 13 years ago

I might be interested in the video analysis! Hope it comes in soon.

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