Video demostration

Service Return

Rex Bradburn
Rex Bradburn Asked 10 years ago

Hi Coach, 

First I'd like to say that the "Ask the Coach" is awesome and I have learned a lot!

My question is this: using the video camera can you demonstrate the return of difficult serves? My Achilles heel on serves is a right handed person on one side of the table serving to the opposite side using speed, and spin so the ball goes off the side of the table instead of the back of the table.

Maybe consider using the video on questions where just an answer isn't enough.

Again thank you for doing this wonderful website and videos.


Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Rex,

Thanks for the kind words.

This might be a good one for a video response.  Hopefully a few Premium members will vote for this one.

The main thing is to watch the ball carefully while your opponent is serving.  Then move as close to the line of the ball as you can to make your stroke.

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